Created in 2006 by science journalist Paola Catapano, MINIDARWIN aims at taking groups of children on scientific expeditions coached by real scientists and science communication professionals.

On the occasion of International Year of Biodiversity 2010, theMiniDarwins are ready to leave on their third expedition, to the Amazon Forest, devoted to biodiversity and its socio-economic spin offs. The MiniDarwins will be coached by biodiversity scientists and an ecological socio-economist specialised in ethno-ecology to experience life with an Indigenous population in the Amazon Forest

During the trip, we will publish on this blog a diary of the expedition and some of the photos, videos, interviews and texts we are producing for later publication on our website, book, reportage and documentary film.

10 July 2010

How does a vaccine work?

"Viruses, Bacteria and Immunity"

Sat July 10,  Rotterdam

We’ve reached Ab Osterhaus in Rotterdam, where he works when he is not travelling, to submit to him the MiniDarwin’s questions about the need for a vaccination. Ab is one of the reference scientists of the MiniDarwin project and he will join us in the central part of the trip, the Mamirauà reserve in the heart of the Amazon forest. Ab is specialised in viruses that ordinarily affect only animals but that can cross the species barrier, and is able to identify dangerous and elusive new viruses with speed and precision. With the same precision and clarity he has answered the MiniDarwin’s questions on viruses and vaccines.

Ab answers Alberto’s question: How does a vaccine work?

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